Some people send thank you notes. Others give hugs. I tell stories or sometimes write poems, especially Christmas tree poems.
I don’t claim to be much of a poet, but sometimes, having grown up on Green Eggs and Ham, I can’t help myself.
The Christmas Tree Poems inspiration
A little Christmas tree stands along the road on my way to work. I don’t know when it started, but the delight in seeing that tree every dark winter morning has always filled me with thankfulness – gratitude for the people who string a long power cord from a dwelling hidden behind the hill to the edge of the road, gratitude to my Heavenly Father for one more day.
Somewhere along the way, I began writing the thank you Christmas tree poems and leaving them under the tree for the owners to find.
Sometimes, in icy January, I wonder if I’ll fall and break a bone trying to climb that little hill to where the tree stands or slide down in my backside to my car parked along the road. Nevertheless, I need to leave my gratuity for the joy that tree gives.
I’ve just finished writing this year’s poem. I have one more to write, and then my journey on the dark highway of 322 will be done.
Here is the 2023 poem and a few from previous years.
Christmas Tree Poem (2019)
You’re still here?
It’s good to see
that Christmas lingers
with my tree,
that colors shine
and hope stands tall
as winter’s grip
begins to thaw.
And now and then
the blackest shade
of morning’s dark
will lift and fade,
and sunshine peaks
beneath the blinds
with Spring and warmth
not far behind.
But even before
the promised light
your merry hues
transcend the night.
The road this year was dark and cold,
With illness, loss, and growing old
Yet ever hope remains and brightness lights the way.
Great job! 👍
Thanks, Dorothy,
From one poet to another…