Is it time for another birthday already? Despite having seen so many, I still look forward to them. Yes, they tend to be uneventful, uncommemorated, and go mostly unnoticed. Still, it’s an excuse to eat cake -if I can find the sugar-free kind-or open a
Author: debric5
Are You A Safe Driver? by Deb Richmond For years, my husband has been telling me that when approaching a green light, waiting to turn left, I should pull into the middle of the intersection, wheels straight ahead, so that my vehicle and the one behind me can go after
Young love is a beautiful thing—exciting, unpredictable, passionate. But I’m a much bigger fan of old love. I skim through my FaceBook friends’ photos looking for the couples who have been married for more years than most people have owned their current vehicles. Despite what the movies, romance novels, and
Enjoying the Struggle by Deb Richmond I love reading about the suffering of others. I’m currently reading a book called Icebound by Andrea Pitzer, a well-written book about a crew of late 16th-century polar explorers that face indescribable struggles for survival. (I’m still waiting to see if the sailors make
Oh, How We Suffer… by Deb Richmond I sometimes get impatient with the younger generation. They fall apart at the smallest crisis. I try to remind them how life used to be – how people struggled for daily survival – how being inconvenienced to put away personal items would not
Christmas Past…and Future Christmas Past Christmas past holds so many glorious memories. Yet Christmas will never be the same without her. The Toll House cookies are gone. Her rich chocolate cake will never sit on the old buffet table again. The warbling soprano is missing from our sing-a-longs. Even my
The Christmas Tree Poems by Deb Richmond, Author/Wanna-be poet Some people send thank you notes. Others give hugs. I tell stories or sometimes write poems, especially Christmas tree poems. I don’t claim to be much of a poet, but sometimes, having grown up on Green Eggs and Ham, I can’t help
A Few of My Favorite Things… by Deb Richmond Marie may have loved raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens, and bright copper kettles, but I have a different list. As we come to Thanksgiving, it might be a good time to take inventory of what we have. I,
Make fitness a part of your life by Guest Writer, Kate Moretti Sometimes I read an article or a Facebook post that leaves me jumping up and down in my sunroom girl cave, shouting, “Yes! Yes!” Sometimes, other writers say it better than I ever could. This week, I’m
This weekend marks the one-year anniversary of my son’s death. It doesn’t seem like a year ago; it feels like last week. The heartbreak of losing a loved one doesn’t fade away after the first year. Most of you know that. I told my daughter I wanted one of