2024 Christmas Tree Poem
Time moves on,
Like the rushing traffic
Flying by at breakneck speeds,
Needing to be somewhere five minutes ago.
Not so for me.
I’m slowing down,
wanting rest,
The end of a season.
We’ve both grown smaller over the years.
Gravity pulls me down.
Low in the driver’s seat
Barely seeing over the steering wheel.
I lift my face
And see your glow.
And smile
At your warmth and welcome,
A tiny piece of radiance
in a dark world.
I smile,
knowing this is the last winter
for early morning treks.
Goodbye, little friend.
May you bless the path of new travelers,
hurried, weary, burdened.
Bring a smile
To those who see
No light at the end of the road.
Read the story of the Christmas Tree Poems. It started here in 2016:
The story of the Christmas Tree poems ended in 2024:
The Christmas Tree poem story traveled beyond my reach:
Good day Ms Richmond
We are overwhelmed by this beautiful gift we received today under our little tree. We have kept all of your poems, wondering who this kind person was leaving us these beautiful poems every year. The mystery of it all was so exciting, as we would wonder up to our little tree each year, our hearts hopeful for one more poem. We are so excited to see these poems published. You will never ever know how much we cherish these poems. We are always so happy when we reach the tree and see a little box, our hearts racing as we open the box, finding yet another beautiful poem. We feel like we know you, as your poems seemed to reveal a little bit about you, and your daily drive eastward on 322.
So many people know about this tree. We have been getting letters from people who drive by our tree. My husband initially started this tradition, as he drove delivery truck for years, and he used to say “driving at night is so dark and gloomy” so he wanted to bring a little light for all those who travel the dark road so early in the morning and so late in the evenings. Any time we go somewhere, and we are talking to people about where we live, 9 times out of 10, if we say “have you seen the little Christmas tree with lights, along 322”, they say “Oh my, yes we have seen it, and is that you”? Its so great that so many people enjoy this tree, and we are so happy to decorate it every year. It warms our hearts to know so many people have been blessed, and how just a very small little tree, lights the way, and gives people joy as they travel along.
We are just so blessed also. You are amazing and these poems are so so special. We just love this book and the candle to. Thank you Thank you.
May the Lord bless you as you journey on in life. P.S. My husband and I both cried as we read the last poem.
I am delighted to finally meet the givers of small light! Thank you for sharing your Christmas trees with those of us who need a bright spot in our journey.