My good friend, guest blogger Sandy Sieber, wrote about the small rewards of caregiving ten years ago when her mother-in-law was 99 years old. Today, Sandy babysits grandchildren, cleans for a family member’s business, evaluates homeschool students, writes homeschool curricula, and looks for small rewards in sharing her home with
Tag: Caregiving
People frequently say, “What can I do for you?” or “How can I help you?” People rarely know how to answer that question. If you are an adult caregiver, keep a list of needs that can be met by friends, family, and neighbors who offer help. Here are a few
Caring For Aging Parents There are many challenges in caring for aging parents in your home. When my friend and her husband built their Central Pennsylvania home high on the hill, they designed living spaces to accommodate aging parents. Both had grown up with a grandparent living in the home
Explore more about Grandparenting
Grandma’s House – Grandma’s house (and Grandpa’s house) is a place for making sweet memories. Check out this page to find ideas for making a visit with the grandchildren fun, educational, and memorable.
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