days gone by

Explore more about Grandparenting

Grandma’s House – Grandma’s house (and Grandpa’s house) is a place for making sweet memories.  Check out this page to find ideas for making a visit with the grandchildren fun, educational, and memorable.


Explore More Quotes about Growing Older

Quotes on growing older

growing older

Take a quiz
Photo by Austrian National Library on Unsplash

Take a Quiz

This is a page for quizzes on the olden days, movies, and oldies songs.





Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

Coping With Loss

Ideas on dealing with loss…

Link to Remembering Page



Caring for Older Adults

caregivers at nursing home

Caring for older adults, especially our parents, is a tricky business. At what point do our parents need assistance with their daily living routines? Should we ask older parents to let us know when they plan to take a day trip and report back to us when they return? What if Mom and Dad can no longer keep track of the daily pharmacy of medications? How much should we intervene when Mom’s vehicle slides off the road on a rainy day? What options are available when the four-bedroom house becomes more than they can care for? How do we distinguish between typical older adult forgettery and dementia? What is the difference between assisted living and a nursing home? Are there other options besides those two? Where can I find resources to help make decisions about the care of my parents? 

This is a place to find some answers and share your wisdom and ideas when it comes time to become a parent to your parents. On this page, you will find (eventually – I’m still building) information about the terms used in talking about caregiving, online resources for adult children with elder care responsibilities, information about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and housing options for older adults who can no longer care for their own needs safely.  Feel free to share in the comments section when you find additional resources or discover a strategy to make parenting a parent a little easier to manage. 



What should I call an old person?

What is the appropriate term to use when referring to people who are…well…not as young as they used to be? Hint – It’s not old person!

What Should You Call An Old Person article

Housing for Older adults

Today there are more housing options for older adults.

Housing for Older Adults

Caregiving In Your Home

Advice on caring for older adults in your home…

Challenges of Caring for Aging Parents

How Can I Help You? Responses



Front Porch Stories

Christmas Tree Poems book



Read the stories of the little Christmas tree that made a big difference:

The Story of the Little Christmas Tree

Farewell to the Christmas Tree

How I Lost My Little Friend

Buy the Christmas Tree Poems booklet on Amazon.

memories of yesteryear and days pastWHEN I WAS A KID…

Stories and nostalgia from days gone by…





Information and resources for caregivers

caregivers at nursing home


Information on dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s

staying healthy while growing oldI’M NOT A KID ANYMORE

Resources for growing old gracefully


Deb Richmond, Memory Collector, Author


About the Author


Deb Richmond is a retired middle school teacher. Her free time is spent trying not to grow old by biking, swimming, going to the gym, reading until napping overtakes, and wrestling with rowdy grandchildren. She loves talking to people who have lived in another era and is working to collect their amazing stories.

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