Confusing Song Lyrics: Who’s Lady Mondegreen? The art of mishearing or confusing song lyrics is a common phenomenon known as a mondegreen. Listeners interpret the lyrics of a song incorrectly, creating phrases that deviate from the original text. In 1954, Sylvia Wright introduced the term. She misheard the words
Author: debric5
Sometimes, I read a story that touches me deeply and want to share it with my readers. I loved this story when I read it on Facebook. It reminds me of the Christmas gift exchange when I was a child. My story didn’t have the same ending, but I’ll save
The last two hundred years were filled with fantastic inventions. Looking back and looking ahead, I marvel at how technology and simple tools have changed. What would my life be like without some of these amazing creations? What did people do before Joseph Gayetty gave us “The greatest necessity of
Sometimes, taking small steps can make a huge difference. Have you heard these excuses? I’ve never been good at math. I’m too old to learn a new language. I can’t swim because I’m afraid of water. I could never give up soda. New technology is too complicated for me. Many
People frequently say, “What can I do for you?” or “How can I help you?” People rarely know how to answer that question. If you are an adult caregiver, keep a list of needs that can be met by friends, family, and neighbors who offer help. Here are a few
There are many challenges in caring for aging parents in your home. When my friend and her husband built their Central Pennsylvania home high on the hill, they designed living spaces to accommodate aging parents. Both had grown up with a grandparent living in the home and wanted to provide
Good-Bye Little Friend… Earlier this year, I lost my little friend. Blame it on retirement. I hated driving to work. Getting to school before the students meant leaving the house while it was still dark, driving along the highway where deer loved to romp and play, and
What are you thankful for? Hopefully, we all remember the biggies—the people in our lives, faith, food, health, shelter. But sometimes, I look around and see the tiniest, most unimportant things, and I can’t help but feel grateful and blessed. So, along with the essential reasons to be thankful, I
Keep reading. This article comes with a gift. Thirty-two years ago, I set aside many hobbies to attend college and become a teacher. My children were both in elementary school. I was a single mom, working three jobs and taking college classes. There was no time for dabbling in paint
The Struggle Is Real: Movies About Older People For Older People I love watching movies about older people who face the same challenges I face. Maybe I enjoy reveling in my miseries, but, movies about older people give me hope to overcome the difficulties of getting older. SPOILER ALERT: You