Have you noticed how difficult it can be to see a doctor these days? If you get past the automated phone system, you might be able to schedule an appointment six months from now. As the medical field changes and I grow older, I tend to google search for solutions
Category: Self-care
growing old fitness health nutrition
What I didn’t get done this summer… Why do I always think I will have more time in the summer after school is over? Time to read books, visit friends I only see on Facebook, time to figure out how to hang all those framed pieces of art hiding behind
Oh, How We Suffer… by Deb Richmond I sometimes get impatient with the younger generation. They fall apart at the smallest crisis. I try to remind them how life used to be – how people struggled for daily survival – how being inconvenienced to put away personal items would not
Make fitness a part of your life by Guest Writer, Kate Moretti Sometimes I read an article or a Facebook post that leaves me jumping up and down in my sunroom girl cave, shouting, “Yes! Yes!” Sometimes, other writers say it better than I ever could. This week, I’m
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming later, probably not soon…